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Learn The Truth About Resumes

Kip Boyle
Hiring Manager


From the job seekers perspective, the first step in the hiring process is submitting your application and resume. From the hiring manager’s perspective, though, your resume is the first thing they use to filter you out from consideration. Understanding how to create the perfect resume is important, but so is having realistic expectations as to how your resume is reviewed, considered, and possibly eliminated from consideration.


From the job seekers perspective, the first step in the hiring process is submitting your application and resume. From the hiring manager’s perspective, though, your resume is the first thing they use to filter you out from consideration. Understanding how to create the perfect resume is important, but so is having realistic expectations as to how your resume is reviewed, considered, and possibly eliminated from consideration.

Over the next few days, you will receive a few emails from us to help you better understand how to improve your chances of landing your dream job by creating the perfect resumecrushing your interviews, and increasing your salary through proper negotiations!

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